You can find out how to share your trap with other people here.
If it doesn't work, there are three things you can check:
// Make sure that the process has been saved correctly
- Click on the icon with the three dots in the upper right corner. Under "Manage MagicTrap" you will see the accounts that have already been unlocked for the corresponding trap.
- Also check that the account with which the other person is logged into the MagicScout app has been entered.
// Note that the email address is case-sensitive
If the email address is"", the trap cannot be shared under"".
// Make sure that the other person has the latest MagicScout app version installed
- In order for invited persons to have access to your trap, they must be using app version 1.51.4 or newer.
- The invitation is not sent by email, but appears directly in the app.